Good Quotes About Customer Care

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Most businesses still see customer care as a follow-up activity. But in fact, its role covers the entire business. Many customer care mottos have been drawn and passed on in the form of good sayings about customer care. But perhaps, because it is quite abstract and takes a long time to show effectively, many businesses have not paid enough attention. Changing this perception is not easy. You can collect good quotes about customer service to reflect and reflect on your business. Once you feel it, you can create a culture for the company. Here are some great customer care quotes for your reference.

phương châm chăm sóc khách hàng
Posting quotes about customer service topics in a prominent place helps you remember them better

Customer care motto you should keep in mind

First, think about your view of the customer service mission. Is it simply a complaint settlement? Are you forgetting something important to make your guests happy? Let's compare with some customer care mottos of the following successful businesses:

Customer service should be a philosophy that everyone in the organization must instill.

There will be no good care if there is a lack of unity and seamlessness between the parts. Customer service should start with the leader. Then communicate it to all levels as a clear policy for everyone to grasp. Besides, it should also be included in the recruitment and training process of employees. Only then will you create a unique culture for your business.

Always pay attention to how you treat guests.

The good saying about customer care seems obvious, but the business is not really doing it well. Because although there are clear rules, there are still many exceptions that need to be handled flexibly. Never treat a guest as a single individual. Remember a satisfied person will be your brand ambassador. But a disgruntled person can also ruin the reputation you worked so hard to build.

You probably remember the lesson of United Airlines. Because of its rigid response time, the label refused to compensate musician Dave Carroll's guitar. As a result, the company lost $180 million in stock price when he wrote the song "United Breaks". Guitars".

Role of the customer

Another thing that sounds so familiar but is often forgotten. You probably know that customers are an asset that every company must protect. But in actual operation, do you take that as a guideline? Therefore, regularly remind yourself and your staff how to view customers.

Choose the angle to receive feedback

The reality is that most of the feedback received will be negative. But instead of letting it affect your emotions at work, rethink the cause. Smart businesses will use these feedback as useful information to improve the product. Because in essence, it is also the "pain" of the customer, an opportunity for you to solve and make a profit.

Collecting famous quotes about customer care

Entrepreneurs have left good quotes about customer care:

các câu nói hay về chăm sóc khách hàng
Great leaders focus on communicating the importance of customer care
  • “The best customer service is when the customer doesn't need to call you or say it. The service just goes on.” – Amazon executive director.
    “The best customer service is if the customer doesn't need to call you, doesn't need to talk to you. It just works.” — Jeff Bezos.
  • “If you don't satisfy customers in the physical world, each of them can tell six other friends. And if you don't satisfy customers on the internet, they each tell up to 6,000 other people." – Executive Director Amazon.
    “If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell 6 friends. If you make customers unhappy on the Internet, they can each tell 6,000 friends.” — Jeff Bezos.
  • “There is only one boss. It is the Customer. And that person can kick anyone in the company from the president down, simply by spending money elsewhere.” – Founder of Walmart and Sam's Club.
    “There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.” — Sam Walton.
  • “Customers often know your product better than you do. Use them as inspiration and ideas for product development.” – Co-owner and chairman of Robelle.
    “Customers often know more about your products than you do. Use them as a source of inspiration and ideas for product development.” – David J. Greer.

Application of good sayings about customer service when having complaints 

Not stopping at the quote, the following are good sayings about customer care in practice.

In case the guest criticizes the taste of the food/drink, reply: “Thank you for your feedback. Maybe your taste is more special. Please allow me to save the information to serve you better next time."

In case the person accompanying the guest causes trouble with disparaging comments. You can politely respond like this:

“Thank you for your advice [the person accompanying me]. However, you [guest]'s style should still be left to me to decide. Whatever you want, I will do it for you to be most confident and comfortable.”

When the customer discovers the wrong delivery, you should apologize and offer to return/refund instead of insisting on proof. Of course, to avoid being taken advantage of, you need to check the delivery first.

Good quotes about customer care to remind customers in reality

At the buffet, when customers order more food even though they haven't finished it yet. Please notify at the beginning when customers enter the restaurant about the penalty regime for not eating all. At the same time, place reminder signs in conspicuous places such as menus, dining tables, walls, etc.

When guests ask too much while there are many others waiting. You say to the person who is next in the queue like this: "Please wait for me a little longer." Then turn to serving current guests.

câu nói hay về dịch vụ chăm sóc khách hàng
You need flexibility and ingenuity to turn your customer care philosophy into practice


Understanding the meaning of customer care is one thing. Good customer care is actually another story. The inspirational quotes above can help you realize the importance of guests. But in addition, you also need ingenuity and flexibility to satisfy guests.

Becare will be your companion to help you take on this responsibility. You may consider choosing customer care and telesales service outsource to Becare to enhance the customer experience.

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