How to Optimize Shopee Ads?

Tối Ưu Quảng Cáo Shopee Bằng Cách Nào?

You are doing business on Shopee and are looking to optimize your Shopee ads. So that users can easily see your products when searching. So under this article, you will find useful tips to optimize Shopee ads effectively! Let's learn how to optimize Shopee keyword bidding ads!

How does optimizing Shopee keyword bidding ads affect store owners?

Keyword bidding is considered the main way to reach customers faster. And easier with fixed costs.

Specifically, the product can be displayed directly on the homepage of Shopee. Or related ads.

At this point, the seller can choose keywords to #hashtag. Then bid. Then proceed to pay to push your business to the top of the display when customers search for that keyword. Buyers only pay when they click directly on the product. And it has a pretty cheap price of only 200 VND.

Đặt giá thầu từ khóa được coi là cách chính để tiếp cận khách hàng nhanh hơn. Và dễ dàng hơn với chi phí cố định.
Keyword bidding is considered the main way to reach customers faster. And easier with fixed costs.

Shopee has a filter that prevents phantom clicks from your competitors for a period of time. This allows the store owner to minimize the risk of losing money unnecessarily. Visibility is highly dependent on the selection of the right keywords. So do your research before choosing the right keywords.

Unlike bidding when advertising on Google. Shopee keyword bids vary by shop and time of year. Simply put, the price you pay will likely be lower than the competition. If your content, images, or titles are more relevant to the keywords you want.

How to optimize Shopee keyword bidding ads to the maximum for Shopee owners

Optimize Shopee ads by choosing products with good interaction and sales

In fact, even if you bid high; clicks are still relatively low. If the product has poor purchases, reviews, or images. So, choose Shopee's recommended products. To increase ad rank and conversions.

Also, optimize product names; and your image to warrant a click. And increase your product relevancy score. Research shows that when three audiences are bidding on the same keyword. Then deal with products that perform well in terms of relevance. And higher valuation ratings; even if lower bids than competitors are shown.

Cách tối ưu quảng cáo đấu thầu từ khóa Shopee tối đa cho chủ Shopee
How to optimize Shopee keyword bidding ads to the maximum for Shopee owners

You need to use at least 10 target keywords for each product

Use a variety of keywords to increase visibility. For example: If you want a higher efficiency of Shopee search ads for t-shirt products. Please select and expand keywords such as 'plain t-shirt'; 'polo t-shirt'; 'adidas t-shirt'.

And choose the products that best fit your product line. However, choose the most relevant keywords to save the most bidding costs; for keywords that are not related to your product.

How to optimize Shopee keyword bidding ads – Always pay attention to products

One of the factors that determine the click-through rate; and purchase decisions of customers. That is how the product is presented. You will usually buy products with full names; Interesting information and pictures. But obviously they have CTR much higher than other products.

So optimize your product; from title, image to product information. Make sure your titles and images really fit the category; and the product you are selling. In particular, the use of hashtags #; will match the product visibility and discoverability for you.

How to optimize Shopee keyword bidding ads – Don't worry too much about HOT keywords

Từ khóa HOT được định nghĩa là những từ khóa mà người dùng thường xuyên tìm kiếm. Điều này có nghĩa là sự cạnh tranh cho các từ khóa giống nhau là rất cao.
HOT keywords are defined as keywords that users frequently search for. This means that the competition for the same keywords is very high.

HOT keywords are defined as keywords that users frequently search for. This means that the competition for the same keywords is very high. So if too many “foreign competitors” are using this keyword. Then choose a better solution for long-tail keywords; or niche keywords.

Correct use of whitespace

Here, whitespace is understood as a writing keyword or a keyword containing a space. This is usually because Shopee users tend to write fast. For example, when searching for a store name.

At this point, related products with instant keywords are shown better. So match your keywords well with spaces. And instant keywords to ensure product visibility

How to optimize Shopee keyword bidding ads – Always pay attention to Shopee promotions

Shopee Ads tracking and scoring helps merchants understand how effective their ads are; for each keyword and product. From there, quickly change the plan and use the right keywords; to improve your product rankings and conversions.

Việc theo dõi và chấm điểm Shopee Ads giúp tối ưu đấu thầu từ khóa Shopee và giúp người bán hiểu được mức độ hiệu quả của quảng cáo; đối với từng từ khóa và sản phẩm
Shopee Ads tracking and scoring helps optimize Shopee keyword bidding and helps sellers understand the effectiveness of their ads; for each keyword and product


Above are the ways to optimize Shopee keyword bidding ads effectively.

In addition to optimizing Shopee ads, it is also necessary to elevate the business through customer care. However, many enterprises cannot meet the number of employees; or personnel who do not have much experience in consulting customers. Therefore, it has lost a lot of customers to its competitors.

Don't limit your own revenue anymore. Get in touch with Becare with the same team customer care our best. To help you increase profits and find your potential customers!