The Most Effective Customer Care Strategy

Chiến Lược Chăm Sóc Khách Hàng Hiệu Quả Nhất

Taking care of customers will help businesses get new customers; and best retain old customers. So how to build an effective customer service strategy? We invite you to find out!

How to build an effective customer service strategy

There are three groups of customers that a company must take care of. Those are potential customers, old customers, and loyal customers. You need to build a customer care strategy for each specific audience.

Strategies to serve potential customers

Vậy những chiến lược chăm sóc khách hàng tiềm năng hiệu quả hiện nay là gì?
So what are effective potential customer care strategies today?

Many companies are looking for potential customers. In particular, they ignore the most important factors in taking care of potential customers. So what are effective potential customer care strategies today?

Increase the frequency of company appearances

Showing up regularly will make it easier to impress potential customers with your product or service. That means increasing the frequency of your business; will help you get more customers to use your service.

Today, there are many ways to make your company's brand visible to potential customers. For example, your company can be displayed on the social media channels that customers are engaged in. Typically Facebook, websites, youtube videos, Tiktok ...

Companies in particular need to use positive or negative ratings; from its loyal customers; to have the most suitable advertising strategy; to reach potential customers. From there, use this trick to encourage customers to buy; and select your business's product or service.

Also, don't forget to call or email your customers on a regular basis. This is to remind customers of your company's brand.

Contact and share information with potential customers on a regular basis

Customers shouldn't stop when they complete an order for your product or service. Instead, you need to care if they come back a second or third time…

By the way, companies need to build and develop the necessary strong relationships with their customers. In your spare time, you can chat; and discuss with them about their feelings after using the service; or the company's product.

Khi rảnh rỗi, bạn có thể trò chuyện; và trao đổi với họ về cảm nhận của mình sau khi sử dụng dịch vụ; hay là sản phẩm của công ty.
In your spare time, you can chat; and discuss with them about their feelings after using the service; or the company's product.

Also, don't forget to call often to keep your prospect team informed. In particular, the company can organize promotional events, customer gratitude. This is a good opportunity for customers to approach and choose products; services of your business.

In general, customer care strategies; must ensure that your business brand is always remembered. This is the highest threshold of success a business manager can achieve.

Build some effective customer service strategies – Strategies to serve loyal customers

There are truths that not only one but every company has to admit. That's when companies value loyal customers. This means the company has cut costs by a factor of four; for finding a new customer. So what is the best customer acquisition strategy a company needs to implement?

Give a gift on a special occasion

For special occasions such as holidays and birthdays, businesses need to give customers small gifts. Customers can always remember you just by greeting them with a sweet message.

In addition to giving gifts and sending meaningful wishes to loyal customers. Companies nowadays tend to give coupons to customers on special occasions. This has stimulated the demand to buy cheap goods of customers. At the same time, companies generate more revenue from their customers.

So on these special occasions; The customer service department must not forget its duty to inform loyal customers. This is the core mission of the current loyalty strategy; used by many businesses.

Đối với những dịp đặc biệt như lễ tết, sinh nhật, doanh nghiệp cần dành tặng cho khách hàng những món quà nhỏ. Khách hàng luôn có thể nhớ đến bạn chỉ bằng cách chào họ bằng một tin nhắn ngọt ngào.
For special occasions such as holidays and birthdays, businesses need to give customers small gifts. Customers can always remember you just by greeting them with a sweet message.

Consumption point policy

This is a customer care strategy used by many companies. Create loyalty programs; accumulate points for consumption; to build strong relationships with loyal customers; through your business.

Through this policy, customers when purchasing the product or service they desire; the business will provide 1 point equal to the value of the product or service. In the end, the customer receives a voucher discount; or another valuable gift.

Customer service should regularly notify loyal customers; about their loyalty program. This way, customers will want to buy more products; or your other service.

Gifts when recruiting friends

Vietnamese people have a habit of needing to talk to friends about places that make them happy when buying or using services. Based on this, companies have introduced preferential policies for customers who refer their friends to them.

In this way, the company has increased the number of new potential customers. At the same time, the company's sales will certainly increase significantly.

Building an effective customer care service strategy – Strategy to retain old customers

Xây dựng chiến lược dịch vụ chăm sóc khách hàng hiệu quả - Chiến lược giữ chân khách hàng cũ
Building an effective customer care service strategy – Strategy to retain old customers

To take care of old customers, companies need a specific strategy.

Companies need to maintain relationships with major customers on a regular basis. That way, the business keeps them and they become loyal customers. However, if the company cannot maintain this customer group; companies need to get feedback from this customer group. From there draw opinions and perform analysis.

Ultimately, companies figure out why their customers don't want to use your service or product. In this way, companies know how to overcome the shortfalls of their products and services.


To be able to build an effective customer care service strategy. Many companies have used an outsourcing solution customer care; provide professional personnel… from a third party.

And one of the trusted places of consumers for customer care is Becare. We are proud to bring businesses an enjoyable experience with customer service; telesales service….ours.

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