What's Good About Outsourcing Customer Care System?

Hệ Thống Chăm Sóc Khách Hàng Thuê Ngoài Có Gì Tốt?

The importance of the cskh system is increasingly being overestimated. Many startups choose this as a business strength. But customer relations and care are always challenging tasks. To do that well, the company not only needs to invest in a customer care management system; but also must continuously monitor to improve the process, control personnel. This raises the question, is it a wise choice to build a customer care system yourself, when the company still has to ensure its core value: focusing on expertise to bring quality products?

xây dựng hệ thống chăm sóc khách hàng
Many businesses choose to outsource customer service to save costs

Build a customer care system or outsource it?

The benefits of owning a professional cskh system are indisputable. In fact, there have been many brands with great success when choosing customer experience as a competitive advantage. Typical in Vietnam is Mobile World - where customers are placed in the god position right from the parking lot. Or at Nguyen Kim, the Customer Service department has become more powerful than Sales or Marketing.
However, most businesses do not have enough funds and experience to do so. We've all heard the saying "one job for nine is better than nine". If you are 1 startup or small and medium-sized organizations, focusing on upgrading main products and using outsourced customer care services is a suggestion worth considering.
The following are the benefits that an outsourced customer care system brings to businesses.

Dedicated customer care management system

Abraham Lincoln Once said, “If you give me 6 hours to chop down a tree, I will spend 4 hours sharpening the axe”. This quote emphasizes the importance of good tools.
Businesses often start managing customer data with Excel. It's easy to understand because this is a free tool and can perform many smart functions and commands. However, not all personnel are qualified to build the optimal Excel file for this task. So what if you deploy your own data management software? Great, excellent, wonderfull. But I'm sure not many small businesses do that because of cost constraints.
On the contrary, if you use an outsourced service, you automatically own a complete customer care management system:

  • Programmed to operate, manage, evaluate and report effectively
  • User-friendly interface design, easy to understand, easy to use
  • Full of necessary features according to the requirements of the customer care system
  • Has been improved, upgraded through past projects

Save time with multi-channel cskh system

Social networks are increasingly developing, customers can appear anywhere. This means you should be everywhere, too. At the same time, ready to consult, answer questions, serve potential customers at all times.
This pressure is increasingly heavy on online platforms such as Facebook, Zalo, etc. Because here, customers often expect to receive answers immediately.
To meet this demand, the outsourced customer care system integrates multiple chat channels into one platform. That way, you can see and respond directly to no matter where the contact is coming from. Not only do you save time checking each channel, you also avoid missed messages.

quan hệ và chăm sóc khách hàng hệ thống cskh
Controlling messages in all customer contact channels is a time-consuming task

Customer service and relationship staff

Now let's move on to the most important factor – people. You might think that hiring your own staff is easier to manage. This is true, but not enough. Strict personnel management is only effective when you have completed the selection and training process; as well as build the system take care of customers with complete process.
And yet, working with people always needs flexibility. Are you sure you are sophisticated enough, knowledgeable enough to handle unplanned situations well? Or even, do you have enough time to monitor the process, to promptly detect those arising cases?
Outsourcing the cskh system, you have a team of experienced in customer relations and care available. These people inherently have personality traits that match the job requirements. In addition, they are also trained to improve their skills through internal training courses. Finally, a highly specialized working environment and optimized processes help the work go smoothly.

How to choose an outsourced customer care system?

Compared to the monthly cost, outsource the customer care department for greater benefits. However, you should not choose a supplier haphazardly. Here are a few important details to keep in mind to quickly find a quality partner.

  • Practical Competency: Consider the projects they have worked on before, how large and how effective they were.
  • Personnel capacity: In addition to the quality of care in each case, you also need to consider whether the number of personnel is enough to serve during peak seasons.
  • Reputation level: Customer information is the company's most important asset. Therefore, be careful to choose partners so as not to give eggs to evil.
hệ thống quản lý chăm sóc khách hàng
There are a number of criteria to help you choose a good customer care unit

Becare.io provides a professional outsourced customer care system

With many years of experience in large and small projects, Becare.io is currently a bright name in the field. Becare's customers are also very diverse, in which there is no shortage of big brands such as Samsung, English Ms. Hoa, Citigym, Standart Chartered, Tan Hoang Minh, Seoul Spa, etc.
To ensure the quality of service for customers, Becare develops cskh scenarios for each industry. The switchboard system and management software are also a complete set of tools. Finally, the working process at Becare is scientifically built, making it easy for guests to check and evaluate.
But perhaps, what makes Becare a priority choice is its commitment to information security. BECARE do not profit based on customer data. Therefore, you can completely rest assured when collaborating.
Contact us directly through the chat channel in the bottom corner to get all your questions answered. Or call hotline 0997 528 389 for fastest support.