What is the benefit of Customer Service?

Dịch Vụ Chăm Sóc Khách Hàng Có Lợi Ích Gì?

“Sales is not just a job. You need to understand that selling is a way of life.” Sales should always be accompanied by customer service and customer care companies. In addition, comprehensive and professional customer support has always been one of the most important factors in building a business's success. But what exactly is customer service and how do you provide the best customer service? Let's find out together!

The concept of customer service and customer care companies

Customer service includes all support activities; that a company offers to its customers in advance; in; after or after using the company's services; to enable them to have a shopping experience.
This service is open to all who have used it; or in use; or have never used this product; help build loyal customers and attract potential customers in the future.
Customer service is a long-term investment; and is an important factor in the company's success and position in the market.

Dịch vụ khách hàng bao gồm tất cả các hoạt động hỗ trợ; mà một công ty cung cấp cho khách hàng của mình trước; trong; sau hoặc sau khi sử dụng các dịch vụ của công ty; để cho phép họ trải nghiệm mua sắm
Customer service includes all support activities; that a company offers to its customers in advance; in; after or after using the company's services; to enable them to have a shopping experience

The importance of customer service and customer care

Here are some examples of after-sales services that can provide significant business benefits:

Retaining existing customers

Retaining existing customers saves a lot of costs; compared to finding new customers. Therefore, today's businesses are especially focused not only on acquiring new customers; but also focus on maintaining existing customer files.
Customer service took care of this job. Professional customer service always maintain good and long-term relationships with existing customers.
If they are satisfied with it; these customers will continue to use the product; and is an effective marketing channel for potential customers.

Customer service and customer care help attract potential customers

Các dịch vụ khách hàng và chăm sóc khách hàng giúp thu hút khách hàng tiềm năng
Customer service and customer care help attract potential customers

The purpose of the company's customer service is to retain existing customers. But if your customer service is good and they like it; It also has a positive effect on potential customers.

Enterprise competitive weapon

Management services and customer support are a company's competitiveness in the market. Gradually, this was extended not only in the country but also all over the world. Because this is an important weapon to help you compete with your opponents.

Customer service and customer care for effective customer care

In fact, many Vietnamese SMEs don't really invest in customer service. In other words, they provide unfair customer service. Because I don't know how to build customer service. So here are some effective ways to build high-quality customer service offerings from a real experience

Apologize and listen to the customer's problem

If a customer has a problem with the company, the customer care team should first be listened to carefully so that the problem can be resolved. Based on the company's experience and guidance to solve customer problems in the most appropriate way. If there is a tool to save all the experience in the company, a situation occurred during the previous operation; when customers come into contact with your company; then you should save it. This is the best solution.
With this tool, account managers and employees; other departments can also access this data warehouse; in case of a complaint to find a way to solve it and give the best solution for its customers.

Customer service and customer care help reduce business costs

Good customer service is a very effective way to reduce your business costs. Companies often have to spend a lot of money; to run advertising and marketing programs to attract new customers and increase sales.
However, if existing customers continue to buy products and generate steady revenue; the company can increase revenue; while reducing the cost of finding new customers.
Professional customer support; systematic and responsive from the start; help companies save time and money in resolving customer inquiries.

Dịch vụ khách hàng tốt là một cách rất hiệu quả để giảm chi phí kinh doanh của bạn. Các công ty thường phải chi rất nhiều tiền; để chạy các chương trình quảng cáo và tiếp thị để thu hút khách hàng mới và tăng doanh số bán hàng.
Good customer service is a very effective way to reduce your business costs. Companies often have to spend a lot of money; to run advertising and marketing programs to attract new customers and increase sales.

Focus on customer feedback

This can be done by sending out a customer service survey to anyone who has used your product or service. This activity helps customers feel more comfortable and confident about the company.
Companies can also collect a lot of useful information from their customers for marketing, sales and customer support activities. These research activities should be stored as a database for future business activities.

Customer service style is often flexible

That means serving customers when they need them. The flexibility here is also reflected in the collection of information to serve customers; always try to meet their needs and requirements as quickly as possible. This is an essential element not only for the customer service department, but also for all employees of the company to always work towards customers. Whenever they ask, they always try to help their customers. Thereby, improving customer satisfaction.
To do this well, you need to share customer information quickly and systematically across your organization. If this goal is successfully accomplished, it will be a great success in building a loyal customer base for the company.

Employees who do good customer service and customer care must say they can do it

All employees of the company should always strive to provide the highest added value to its customers. This allows the company to be consistent in all its operations. As a result, the company will increasingly gain the trust of customers. In all promotional activities between the two parties, the company needs to close earlier than planned and with better quality than promised.

Trong tất cả các hoạt động quảng bá giữa hai bên, công ty cần đóng cửa sớm hơn dự định và với chất lượng tốt hơn so với cam kết.
In all promotional activities between the two parties, the company needs to close earlier than planned and with better quality than promised.


After understanding the importance of customer service and customer care companies through the above article; then it's time for you to choose a reliable partner. So, among the countless customer care teams in the market, which one is trustworthy?
Becare proud to be a unit specializing in providing full-service customer care teams with a professional switchboard system; operating the switchboard outbound….with super cost savings. Contact Becare immediately for more advice via hotline (+84) 2899956678!