What is Customer Experience?

Trải Nghiệm Của Khách Hàng Là Gì?

Customer experience plays an important role when it comes to helping your business grow. By improving the customer experience, companies can increase the number of loyal customers. At the same time, it is possible to build long-term strong relationships with customers. The question here is what is the concept of customer service experience? We invite you to find out!

What is customer service experience?

What is customer service experience?

Trải nghiệm khách hàng là tổng thể cảm nhận của khách hàng trong quá trình mua hàng. Đồng thời cũng là khả năng khách hàng tiếp xúc với một sản phẩm; hoặc dịch vụ hoặc thương hiệu cụ thể.
Customer experience is the overall perception of a customer during the purchase process. At the same time is the customer's ability to come into contact with a product; or a particular service or brand.

Customer experience is the overall perception of a customer during the purchase process. At the same time is the customer's ability to come into contact with a product; or a particular service or brand.

This is not short-term consumer sentiment. It also exists after customers interact with the brand through the website, social networks, email, phone or online channels. In short, the customer experience is exactly the result of the interaction between the customer and the company.

This interaction consists of three main components. It's the customer journey, the touchpoints where customers interact with the company. And finally, the customer's perceived environment (including the digital environment).

What are direct and indirect customer interactions?

The customer journey includes everything a company is willing to offer its customers. It's advertising, design and packaging to product quality and customer service. In addition, customers react very differently when they engage in face-to-face interactions with a company; compared to when they interact indirectly.

Face-to-face interactions usually happen only when a customer places an order or starts using a product.

Indirect interactions that customers often experience include advertising campaigns, messages, reviews. And recommendations on social media as well as word of mouth from customers to people they know.

Customer perceptions are all personal experiences and may include sensory, emotional, rational or physical aspects. In fact, customers don't always have a positive in-store experience.

As a result, managers and sales representatives are required to help customers have positive experiences. To minimize customer experience and good sales strategy to drive wise solutions.

Difference between customer experience and customer service concept

Sau khi học được khái niệm về trải nghiệm của khách hàng, bạn cần nắm rõ về sự khác biệt giữa trải nghiệm khách hàng và dịch vụ khách hàng. Điều này giúp bạn cải thiện hơn trong việc tư vấn, tìm kiếm khách hàng mới.
After learning the concept of customer experience, you need to understand the difference between customer experience and customer service. This helps you to improve in consulting and finding new customers.

After learning the concept of customer experience, you need to understand the difference between customer experience and customer service. This helps you to improve in consulting and finding new customers.

The customer experience and feel and customer service are not what many companies envision today.

Customer support is only one part of the customer experience. This is a service that helps you solve problems with your purchase. And use your company's products or services. Customer perception is the overall perception of the brand. And as a result of the overall interaction throughout the buyer's journey.

For example, using a brand A refrigerator, the customer has a problem with the cooling function. And have to call the switchboard to ask how to use it. At the time, this customer was experiencing customer service. Before that, the customer decided to go to the store to buy directly. And view promotional images and featured videos of the product. This is the customer experience.

Overall, there are several differences between customer experience and customer service:

Why is customer experience considered important to a business?

Cải thiện trải nghiệm khách hàng để giúp doanh nghiệp thu hút nhiều khách hàng trung thành hơn
Improve customer experience to help businesses attract more loyal customers

This is really important because it helps businesses achieve the following:

  • Improve customer experience to help businesses attract more loyal customers
  • Customer perception is the company's most important competitive factor
  • Improve customer experience to help businesses increase sales


Today, companies need to focus on improving customer experience in addition to selling. When customers have a positive experience with your product or service, they are likely to return to buy. And become a loyal advocate for your business.

Therefore, for a company to have sustainable and long-term development, it is necessary to improve the positive perception of customers.

To be able to enhance the positive perception of customers towards the business. Then you need to have the most effective customer service.

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