How to Manage Customer Care Effectively?

Quản Lý Chăm Sóc Khách Hàng Thế Nào Cho Hiệu Quả?

Customer care files are important assets of businesses. Because it contains information about potential customers, loyal customers. These are all important resources that help the company generate profits. Therefore, the customer care management file needs to be organized, used and managed carefully. Currently, many businesses use excel files to take care of customers. Is this the optimal solution? What information do these files require? Is a customer service survey necessary? Find out with Becare through the following article.

file quản lý chăm sóc khách hàng là tài sản của doanh nghiệp
Customer data is an important business asset, so it needs to be well organized, exploited and managed

Who needs to use customer data?

For any business, storing guest information is an important task. This data source is best for after-sales care. You can see this most clearly with durable, high-value products such as electronics and electrical appliances. When storing customer information and product serial numbers; businesses can determine their level of responsibility to provide appropriate services.

Sales is the next department that desperately needs customer information. Because it provides a clue for you to understand and take care of customers in a practical way. Through connections, you will find the right opportunity to sell your first order; or cross sales to other products. Ideally, you will have them refer friends to expand the data warehouse.

In addition, the Marketing department also needs a customer care management file for retargeting and remarketing. In particular, this information also helps you visualize the customer persona. This is an important factor for finding insights and creating effective advertising campaigns.

The power of customer care files?

Good customer care management brings 5 basic advantages to businesses:

  • Handle complaints more efficiently
  • Provide more up-to-date and useful guidance/information
  • Make guests feel more appreciated
  • Have a more practical basis to build a Marketing campaign
  • Better control of business operations

However, these are not the only 5 advantages. You can discover more uses of this resource if it is complete and clear.

For example: a spa needs to plan to push the number of skin rejuvenation services. Thanks to having a list of customers who have purchased hair removal packages in the past 2 years. They think care process reach new customers. Specifically, they call old customers with birthdays in the month to offer experience rates. The success rate for this number of visitors is higher than 70% because:

  • Meet the need to beautify specific skin areas after hair removal
  • Make guests satisfied before going to the spa because of the attentive care
  • Hit the fear of missing out on limited birthday offers.

As can be seen, the customer care management file contains a lot of good ideas to attract and optimize profits. But gathering information is not easy either. Some information will become redundant for certain industries. Therefore, you need to understand yourself and your customers when creating a customer care file.

Suggestions for customer care excel file templates

Excel is the first choice to store information. This tool has full features from basic to advanced to serve data entry and data processing. In particular, this is also a free tool and is familiar to most employees. Therefore, it is used by many businesses.

gợi ý mẫu file excel chăm sóc khách hàng đơn giản
Each department needs different information in the customer database

How to organize customer care more professional?

Although useful, Excel still has some disadvantages such as:

  • Requires high skill to set up and optimize features.
  • Complex functions can be difficult to use.
  • Limited flexibility because it can only work well on computers
  • Unable to integrate real-time reports, perform customer care…

To overcome all the above problems, Becare develops customer care room services on the basis of modern technology. With a fully-featured call center system, you can operate multiple customer care channels, save information and view reports on a single platform. Thereby saving time and limiting missed messages.

Besides, with Becare, you can also create a customer service survey to objectively evaluate work efficiency. Becare is committed to information transparency and data security; so that you always feel secure when using the service.

file chăm sóc khách hàng phiếu khảo sát dịch vụ chăm sóc khách hàng
Customer data should be a common asset built and shared by all departments


Hope the above information has given you more useful information on how to manage customer care. Please make an excel file to take care of customers with the above suggestions of Becare if you want to save maximum budget. Or sign up BECARE Now to use your time smarter. We always design our own scenarios and customer care survey questionnaires suitable for the business field to optimize efficiency for customers.