Effective Shopee Sales Experience

Kinh Nghiệm Bán Hàng Trên Shopee Hiệu Quả

Whether you are just starting an e-commerce business with Shopee; or have been in business for many years and have not been successful; don't hesitate and learn the following easy selling tips; to help improve your business. Let's refer to the sharing of effective selling experiences on Shopee below!


The sharing of effective selling experiences on Shopee

Share about effective sales experience on Shopee - Enthusiastic advice for customers - good customer care - free shipping for large orders

Consulting customers is an important stage in the purchase decision of customers. However, due to various reasons, the shop owner cannot control this work at will; so can't sell right away.

The solution is to set up a consultation scenario as detailed as possible for the customer. Try to tailor and update your customer conversations as soon as possible.

Nếu doanh nghiệp của bạn không có sẵn nhân sự; thì hãy liên hệ ngay với Becare nhé. Vì chúng tôi luôn đảm bảo cung cấp cho bạn dịch vụ telesale; dịch vụ chăm sóc khách hàng...Vô cùng hiệu quả với mức chi phí phải chăng.
If your business does not have staff available; Please contact Becare immediately. Because we always guarantee to provide you with telesale service; customer care service… Extremely effective at an affordable cost.

After-sales customer care is equally important; however, many shops have ignored this; for being too busy. Therefore, hiring a team of consultants to answer questions; and customer care is what helps to attract more customers.

If your business does not have staff available; Please contact Becare immediately. Becare is proud to be the address that always guarantees to provide you telesales service; customer care…Extremely effective, reputable with an affordable and competitive cost.

Contact with Becare by number hotline 0997 528 389 – 02899 956 678 Please!

Use the right title content with the focus of the industry

It is the first criterion to pay attention to and the one that is most overlooked by beginners. Many store operators do not place undue demands on product names. However, according to Shopee store owners; then if you ignore this, you will leave behind a large number of potential customers.

Customers often find products by searching on Shopee. Customers search for many different terms. You can search not only by exact product name and category; but also according to the features and problems encountered. For example, for the product “Chicken Dry”; if you name the shop simply "Clean chicken". Then you will inadvertently gain an advantage over other competitors. Sharing about effective sales experience on Shopee, this is one of the most effective ways.

The reason is that customers search for keywords like “dry chicken”. Hay"dried chicken with lemon leaves” or “delicious dry chicken”…

The title is also the first gateway in determining whether or not customers will continue to learn about your product. So when you put in the effort to come up with a catchy headline, you'll get unexpected results.

It's not just about increasing your CTR (click-through rate). You can also make a great impression on your customers. If you are looking for an effective way to sell on Shopee, then immediately use this method.

Share about effective Shopee sales experience – Increase shop evaluation index

Shopee ưu tiên hiển thị các sản phẩm được có nhiều đánh giá của khách hàng. Vì thế bạn nên tìm cách làm tăng đánh giá của khách hàng dành cho shop
Shopee prioritizes displaying products that have a lot of customer reviews. Therefore, you should find a way to increase customer reviews for the shop

Shopee will have priority in displaying products that have a lot of customer reviews. Therefore, you should find ways to increase customer reviews for your shop. In addition, Shopee also ranks according to many other criteria. For example. :

– Product price

– Number of product favorites

– Customer purchases, adoption rate, customer response time, etc…

– Rating / Rating Stats 5 *

– Beautiful, impressive product videos/images that customers want to click on

Join the flash sale

Sharing about the effective selling experience on Shopee is that Shopee regularly organizes events; flash sale program. This is a very effective way of selling with many shoppers. And increase your chances of reaching more customers. In particular, the rate of customers' purchase decision in this period is higher than in other times.

However, you should carefully review Shopee's sales policies. Check if the discount is appropriate; and Shopee have other incentives in the flash sale or not.

Chia sẻ về kinh nghiệm bán hàng trên Shopee hiệu quả đó là Shopee thường xuyên tổ chức những sự kiện; chương trình flash sale. Đây là một cách bán hàng rất hiệu quả với người mua hàng. Và tăng cơ hội tiếp cận nhiều khách hàng hơn
Sharing about the effective selling experience on Shopee is that Shopee regularly organizes events; flash sale program. This is a very effective way of selling to shoppers. And increase your chances of reaching more customers

Beautiful product photography

Don't forget how to do business with Shopee and take beautiful product photos

– Good phone available: the current price range of 5-8 million is enough to use.

– Make sure the camera lens is dust-free and wipe it regularly to avoid scratches

– Take advantage of natural light: choose between 8am-10am to 3am-5pm; and avoid periods of intense sunlight. Also be careful not to take backlit photos.

– Choose a natural background

– Use some photo editing apps directly on your phone to get desired images and results.

Share effective Shopee sales experience – Use hashtags

Một trong những cách bán hàng trên Shopee hiệu quả chính là sử dụng hashtag
One of the effective ways to sell on Shopee is to use hashtags

One of the effective ways to sell on Shopee is to use hashtags. This is one of the ways to help shoppers quickly access your products. Be sure to include the # hashtags in your product description.

Especially if you use multiple channels to introduce your products; Consistent use of # hashtags can help deliver the best performance across all channels.

Observe the market and choose the right trend

For companies with highly seasonal products; It is important to keep an eye on the market to predict future trends. For example, in the fashion industry, there are many benefits to researching and keeping up with trends. This industry is seasonal, and at the end of the season, you will easily have to sell or sell at a loss.


Above are the sharing of sales experience on Shopee to build an effective sales shop. Hope the above article has provided you with useful information!