What is Customer Service? What's Included?

Dịch Vụ Chăm Sóc Khách Hàng Là Gì? Bao Gồm Những Gì?

Remember that good customer service will help your business succeed. But if the service is not professional, it can make your business bankrupt. Therefore, you need solutions to improve service quality and perfection; Evaluate effective customer service activities. Below, let's Becare Find out what good customer service is in theory and what it includes!

What is customer care? – The concept and theory of the company's customer service

Directly answer the question: "What is customer service?". In the most general sense, the theoretical concept of customer service – Customer Care is all that a company has to do to satisfy the needs and expectations of its customers. It means serving customers up to their expectations. And do what is necessary to keep the number of customers you have. 

Thus, customer service is an important part of marketing theory. First of all, customer service is an integral part of the product delivered to the customer. Of the three product levels, customer care is on the third level. It is also the competitive weapon of any company. Customer support services at this level will become richer and richer. It grows with the level of competition in the market. Today, competition isn't just about the products a company makes. But also about the services that contribute to the finished product. One of those services is doing good customer service. 

khái niệm lý thuyết về dịch vụ chăm sóc khách hàng - Customer Care là tất cả những gì một công ty phải làm để thỏa mãn nhu cầu và mong đợi của khách hàng.
Customer Care is all that a company has to do to satisfy the needs and expectations of its customers.

What is good customer service?

Good customer service doesn't cover what's supposed to be a lie. That doesn't mean with a bad product or service. But using a good customer care service will always keep customers. There are 3 main factors that determine customer satisfaction, which are: 

 Product elements 

 Convenience factor 

 Human factors 

So which factor is the most important? In a way, it depends on the situation. However, for that if the product is widely available in the market for the same price. And with the same service quality, the human factor becomes very important. At this time, customers will choose to buy products from the party they are warmly welcomed. With the most dedicated and caring attitude. That is, customers will choose the product of the party with the best customer service. 

It can be seen that what every customer whether an individual or a company expects more of the goods and services they buy is that they must be completely reliable. All the friendly smiles and polite offers are very good. But they can't make up for unreliable products and poor service. Customer service can only be recognized if it is accompanied by a quality product, good service.

Luôn nhớ: "Dịch vụ chăm sóc khách hàng tốt không bao gồm những gì được cho là dối trá.".
Always remember: “Good customer service does not include what is perceived as a lie.”.

Theory of customer care – What does good customer service include?

Always listen to customers 

What customers need is that you have to seriously listen, not just listen. They need you to listen to solve their problems, not just listen and ignore. When customers feel heard, they also feel respected. 

Also, when you listen to your customers seriously. You will be able to understand all the information one by one. It is the basis for you to understand the heart of the customer problem that needs to be solved. This is extremely effective in making customers trust you more. 

New customer care solution from customer service staff

Most companies are constantly looking for ways to improve customer service. Many units understand what customer service is. They understand what the theories of good customer service are. But still don't know how to put it into practice. Specifically, this involves upskilling each employee. To have good flexibility handling skills, employees need to do the following: 

Develop in-depth knowledge of your products and services. 

Improve your voice, speaking speed, non-verbal to create more sympathy. 

Improve professional ethics.

Always willing to empathize and really patient with customers. 

Has good adaptability. 

Communicate your message clearly to your customers. 

Chất lượng dịch vụ cần được cải thiện từ việc nâng cao kỹ năng của từng nhân viên.
Service quality needs to be improved from improving the skills of each employee.

Improve customer service implementation strategy

When your company understands what customer service is and its theories. Know what good customer service should include. From there, build effective customer care service. Your business will next get steady growth. When you are confident you can ensure that your customers are always treated with the best. They will become your source of loyal customers. Moreover, you can control the stable situation and build a better reputation image more easily. 

Motivate employees 

Ways to motivate employees to deliver better customer service is to include the following: 

Set work goals for each employee 

Reward employees in a timely and timely manner and deserve it.

Boost employee morale, improve productivity and work efficiency.

Create conditions for your employees to rest, take care of their health, and be in good spirits. Always remind employees to create and maintain a healthy, optimistic and positive lifestyle. 

Hãy để nhân viên của bạn biết rằng mỗi cá nhân họ đều vô cùng quan trọng đối với công ty
Let your employees know that each and every one of them is important to the company

Customer service performance statistics

All business activities aim to seek maximum profit. And it is customer service that will help the company do that. To measure customer service performance, companies need to be familiar with the KPI tool. 

Social media customer service 

These days, it seems like the whole world is using social media to interact with each other. According to statistics, up to 56% consumers respond to their comments, inboxes. Therefore, taking care of customers via social networks is very important in the service process. 


Above is information to help you understand more deeply about the concept of customer service. Accompanied by customer care theories that every salesperson needs to know. Answer questions about what good customer service includes. Hope this article raises and helps to solve the problems you are facing If you really need a course to know how to professionally apply theory into practice. Then contact us as soon as possible Becare Find a course that works for you! Thank you for choosing to refer to the article about customer care of Becare! Wish you a good day!