Elements of Customer Service According to KPMG

Các Yếu Tố Của Dịch Vụ Khách Hàng Theo KPMG

Today, businesses all want to create the best service for customers. They invest a lot of time and energy in figuring out the key customer care factors. In fact, there have been many successful case studies thanks to this. Thereby creating the urge, competition to create the best customer care service. So what are the elements of good customer service that you need to pay attention to? Find out with Becare through the article below.

các yếu tố chăm sóc khách hàng bạn cần biết
Improving customer service is an inevitable development trend. This is accelerated as buying habits change.

Customer care factors – The secret to success

Customer experience is a long and complex process. Among them, 3 outstanding values are Perceptions – Procedures – Personalities. 

Perception is the understanding and memory of customers about the business. Sometimes it is vague, not clear, so it is difficult to control. By trying to understand customers, businesses have more opportunities to influence perception. From there, make customers remember correctly about themselves.

Procedures are the easiest customer care elements to improve. It is the process, script, built to serve customers before-in-after buying. Quick and easy procedures are what every business needs to aim for.

Personalization is a way to show care and respect for old guests. In addition, individuality is also considered in the opposite direction. That is, the suitability of customer service staff to ensure that the elements of customer service are completed well.

Top brands with the best customer service

Follow KPMG, the following companies are rated as having the best customer service:

Doanh nghiệp nào có dịch vụ chăm sóc khách hàng tốt nhất
Top 10 businesses rated by KPMG for the best customer service in 2021

This conclusion is drawn from a survey report of 1,500 Vietnamese users with more than 90 brands. These companies operate in sectors such as financial services, retail (non-food), retail (food), logistics & supply logistics, telecommunications, tourism & hotels, restaurants and fast food chains, entertainment services.

Learn the elements of good customer service according to KPMG

KPMG is a company specializing in consumer behavior research. Over the years, they have conducted 2 million surveys on the subject. Accordingly, they discovered 6 factors that make up a negative or positive experience as follows:

Integrity – The first pillar of the elements of customer service

Simply put, what does the company or brand stand for? And did they do the right thing? 

Gen Z user or millennials often want more. It's no longer just about providing products and making a profit. Instead, the brand will make a stronger impression when it stands for something. For example, supporting women's rights, protecting the environment, renewing raw materials... 

On the contrary, if the company only takes advantage of this to polish its name. They violated this element. As a result, customers are quickly turned away.


This factor is understood as how businesses act and behave. Among the elements of customer service, it is very important because it needs to show the ingenuity, flexibility of the brand. For example, when an unfortunate guest has a bad experience. How will you turn the situation around, and turn it into something better?


Or more accurately, how businesses manage customer expectations. You should plan to notify guests in advance of what might happen. This manifests itself in ways such as:

  • Describe in advance the process of carrying out the service
  • Informing do's or don'ts
  • Clear agreement on the rights and obligations of the customer 
  • Advance notice of upcoming changes.

For example: When there is a change in the flight coordination schedule, the airline that informs the delay 6 hours in advance via text message will be more understanding and satisfied.

Understanding increases the effectiveness of the customer service elements

That is, how you empathize with guest complaints. When they call to report a problem with your product/service, do you make them feel heard and accepted? Further, what do you do to help them out? As can be seen, understanding often goes hand in hand with the second factor - the solution.


How does the business use old customer information? Through previous interactions, businesses have had a certain understanding of their customers. So next time, can they bring the most useful service to the needs of the guest? That's how businesses personalize the customer experience.

Entertainment platforms like Facebook, Youtube do this very well. Through what you've seen, the platform will continue to suggest the same type of story. Since it's true to your interests, you'll spend more time at these platforms.


How much time and effort will customers spend interacting with your business? This is one of the elements of good customer service. The simpler, smoother, and less confusing this process is, the more your business will be appreciated.

Currently, companies are expanding customer interaction channels. They try to appear on many platforms such as Facebook, Zalo, SMS, E-mail… Thanks to that, customers can easily find support when needed. This both improves the criteria of effort, and makes customers remember the business better.

dịch vụ tốt nhất cho khách hàng phải thỏa mãn 6 tiêu chí
6 pillars of creating good customer service according to KPMG's conclusion


Solution to create the best service for customers of SMEs

Becare is a unit with many years of experience in customer care. We provide customer care quality with highly qualified personnel and professional switchboard system. Thereby helping businesses improve the elements of customer service mentioned above.

  • Design appropriate processes and scenarios, in accordance with the spirit of each business
  • Store customer information to optimize personalization in each call
  • Fast and professional customer response
  • Understanding psychology to make customers satisfied with high professionalism.

Besides that, BECARE bring the best service to customers with a commitment to information security. Please contact Becare if you need more advice on outsourcing customer care solutions, telesales service Economical, efficient.